Tuesday, July 08, 2014

The Scheduel

Well yesterday, I had my orientation for school. I received an email several days before informing me that if I had the proper papers, I could expedite my registration. I did and I got signed up for 4 classe, 12 units. I will be adding one more class on the 24th making it 14 units. Not too bad for my first semester.

PSY 371 Psychological statistics
Fundamental principles of developmental psychology; origin and development of behavior.

PSY 450 Variations in Human Sexuality
Variations in sexuality: sexual identity, relationship behavior, and fantasy, identification of personal and social problems associated with varied sexual lifestyles.

PSY 531 Psycholinguistics
Comprehensive introduction to psycholinguistics. theory and research are examined in three areas of human functioning - comprehension, acquisition.. In addition, mental representations of meaning, the relation between language and thought, and bidialectism are studied.

I will be adding PSY 303 Psychology: The Major and the Profession
Psychology major; must be taken in the first semester of the major.

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