Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Being totally random pays off. So Brianna was on Good Day Sacramento this morning. The Harley Davison Sonora run is this Saturday and it raises money for the MDA ( I think). Brianna has been highly involved for 14 years now.  I got up at 6 so I wouldn't miss it. So I worked on math hw all morning and waited until 7 30. They said that story would be on after the next break. And I needed to leave for school. Now the Harley Davison place thing-y is like a mile and a half from here, so I asked my mom is we could stop there so I could say hi. So we showed up as she was doing her interview thingy, and totally surprised her it was so awesome. I'm going to see her graduate in 2 days, but today was just so cool. I was so happy to see her

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