Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I think I have a pretty complicated life. Not really on the outside. My life seems pretty easy: I go to school, I go to church, I help out with the marching band and that pretty sums up what I am up to these days. It is not a lot, and I sometimes wish it were different, but I think this is what is right for the time. My life becomes more complicated when I look at who mu life involves. Breaking that down, I have family, friends and acquaintances. Those all can be broken down further among age, location, time I knew these people, religion status, sexual status, and politics. When I want to make an update on my facebook or twitter, I have to be careful as to not offend any one of these sub-categories. I do not feel like I have the freedom to truly express my thoughts and feelings regarding what I truly believe because I am going to offend *someone* out there and get my hand slapped. I hate that I live in a world where I feel so trapped in my own mind. I do not feel like I can have a discussion with another person about how I feel. I also do not feel like I believe in the right thing. I really need someone to tell me that I am right.

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