Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Current mood:working
Man I'm getting really bad at this updating thing aren't I? It's not that I haven't had the time or a lack of access to the internet. I just haven't been feeling like writing and I don't know why. Last week I was just in a funk. I couldn't shake the feeling. I don't know what it was. I ended up missing a full day worth of classes and completely broke down. I didn't miss anything important, I don't know what it was. The day after that saw Quidam and may I say it is pretty good in person. Completely loved and stuff...^_^ Met an online friend for the first time and probably freaked over that as much as the actual show xD. So a couple of days after that, I decided to do something completely random. I had 2 days off work in a row, so I dragged Ben back to Modesto for a couple of days. It was really worth it. Went to church with my family and then his family and then the next day I went ice skating with my family. No one except David and I had ever ice skated, so that was really fun for the both of us xD I've been feeling really lazy lately. I have school 2 days a week and work in the mornings. That leaves so much free time, and I really want to get involved in something. I have a few ideas in mind. 1)horseback riding -Love horses - would get me involved with working with large animals (again xD) -used to ride
2)surfing -would get me in the water more often -have been surfing once before -it's just cool xD
3)clarinet lessons -have ALWAYS wanted lessons -would get me playing again So that is what I have in mind so far. Not sure which direction I want to go at this point. I 'm leaning hard for ..1. I can afford any of these, so that's not really a problem. I'm thinking of what will help me most in the sense of a career at this point. So while I'm thinking about this, I'm also going to look into getting another job, and leave Vons. Sea World is my ..1 option right now. I'm not sure if I can apply for any of the open positions at the time, but who knows? I know people now ^_^ XDDD Plus like everyone in the bakery is quitting and I don't want to be the left over pork chop. So a lot of decisions going on right now. I think that's a good update for now. I'm out!

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