Monday, June 04, 2012

For the record...

If I were to go back and do my blog over, I think I would try to include more of what I was reading and listening to during that time in my life. Sometimes, I feel the need to revisit the emotions and/or stories from a certain time in my life.
For example, in the last two weeks, I felt the need to revisit the time in my life when I first experienced The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Notice I said 'experienced' not read. My ex either did not enjoy reading or said he did but never did, hence why I assume he did not enjoy it. Though he did enjoy listening to books, audiobooks. They were a good way to pass the time while we drove across the country together. In August 2010 he and I listened to The Lovely Bones. The story itself I enjoyed very much, and I am planing on filming a review on that soon. I think what I needed to revisit was the emotions and feelings I had while we listened to that story. We were starting a new chapter in our lives, the last chapter in the life that we shared. But I felt so excited to be returning to California, returning to school, seeing my family and gaining some stability (or so I thought) to our lives. I can say for sure what exactly I needed out of the experience of physically reading this book, but it quenched my thirst.
Hopefully with the help of , youtube, and this blog, I can document other books, movies and music I  experience in my life. Forms of entertainment I can go back and revisit at any point in my life for the purpose of healing, entertainment or whatever.

just for the record:

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